Computer Gaming Concentration

student playing game on computer

Interested in learning how to design computer games? In our Computer Gaming concentration program, you will learn how to do this and more by studying the technology, science and art involved in the creation of computer games.

Why Study Computer Gaming at Kettering University

  • Beyond simply playing games, you want to be an expert in the art and science of making computer games.
  • Our faculty are researching image and video processing, wireless sensor networks, distributed computing, virtual and augmented computer graphics, cybersecurity, social networks, and connected and autonomous vehicles.

What You'll Learn

You will study the technology, science and art involved in the creation and design of computer games.

The program features access to state-of-the-art labs: Virtual Reality Lab, Advanced Network Applications, Secure Computation Lab and Microcomputers.

Students in this concentration receive a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

The program in Computer Science is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET.

College of Sciences & Liberal Arts

Department of Computer Science


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